Declaration of completion of the young-new driver accompaniment program
This service allows new young drivers to declare completion of the young driver accompaniment program.
Who must participate in the young new driver accompaniment program
“New Young Driver” - drivers in the first two years after having received the driver’s license who are under 24 years of age.
A new driver who is at least 24 years old is exempt from the program.
Details of the young new driver accompaniment program
The program begins 6 months after receiving the driver’s license and includes:
- The first 3 months - full accompaniment (day and night)
- The last 3 months - accompaniment at night
At least 50 driving hours with an experienced driver, including:
- 20 driving hours on city roads
- 15 driving hours on intercity roads
- 15 driving hours at night
For more information about a new driver, young driver and their obligations.
For your information, a driver under the age of 21 years will not drive with more than 2 passengers unless an experienced driver is sitting in the front seat next to the driver.
Who is the experienced driver
Persons who satisfy one of the following definitions:
- Persons with a driver’s license for the same type of vehicle for at least 5 years who are at least 24 years of age
- Persons who hold a driving instructor license - even if they are under 24 years of age
- Persons with a valid driver’s license for the same type of vehicle for at least 3 years who are at least 30 years of age and pursuant to them not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
There is no restriction on the number of experienced drivers in the accompaniment program.
How to submit the declaration
Upon completion of the young new driver accompaniment program, complete the young new driver accompaniment program declaration, list the ID number and driver license number of the driver as well as the ID numbers and driver license numbers of the experienced drivers and submit them online.
The service is provided free of charge.
Once the declaration has been submitted:
The permanent (plastic) driver’s license will be sent to the updated address in the Population Authority.
According to Regulation 9 of the Transportation Regulations, one can drive in Israel without carrying a driver’s license and vehicle license when driving.
It is, however, mandatory to carry an official ID of the State of Israel (ID card or passport), an insurance certificate and appendices to the driver's license.
A new driver who committed traffic violations
A driver who has been convicted of a violation that is listed in the third appendix of the Traffic Ordinance (failure to stop at a light, failure to give right of way, failure to notify of a traffic accident, failure to provide assistance to a traffic accident victim) will be required to take a written exam and be classified as a new driver for another two years.
If the court suspends the driver’s license for 3 months or more, you will need to retake the written test and practical test to be a new driver for another two years.
If you were convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or of committing a traffic violation that caused an accident in which a person was killed or seriously injured, you will also be required to undergo medical tests at the Medical Institute for Road Safety to be a new driver for an additional two years.
Please note, if there is any difference or conflict between the information on this page and the law, the provisions of the law will apply.
Ministry of Transport and Road Safety
Ministry of Transport Call Center
Dial from a landline: 1-222-5678
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The Call Center operates Sunday-Thursday from 07:00-20:00.
On Friday and holiday eves, between the hours of 07:00-13:00.A response is available in Hebrew and Arabic.
The computerized Payments Call Center operates 24/7.
For support and assistance in the personal area and on digital forms, contact the central government response at telephone 1299, Sunday-Thursday between the hours of 08:00-19:00
Open to the public Ministry of Transport and Road Safety